Cynical insurance firms are luring innocent motor insurance applicants into revealing details of their former lives that can cost them £££s on their motor instance premiums!

That was the shocking news brought to public attention in this week’s edition of T&A pap shots website Daily Mail.

The technical name for this sickening phenomenon is over-declaration, and it’s apparently rampant in the UK today. The whistle blowers on this occasion were paramilitary group the DVLA who exclusively revealed to Male journalists that almost three million people each year fall into the over-declaration trap so cynically set for them by devious motor insurance firms.

“Where an insurer asks about motoring offences,” insists scary Malcolm “Big Malc” Starling mouthpiece of the Association of Brutish Insurers, “you should answer fully and honestly.” Demands like this, have quite literally terrified motor insurance applicants into revealing far more than they should have about themselves and their well-documented inability to drive safely and/or responsibly.

Fessing up needlessly to an extra three penalty points, for which you’ve already served your time and earned the right to keep schtum about, can add a whopping £57 to the cost of your motor insurance, the Mail reports.

A DVLA spokesman claimed that 7% of drivers with spent convictions continue to declare them – partly because unclear or enticing wording on application forms ensnares them in the over-declaration trap.

Assuming that just shy of 3 million people annually have been caught this way over the past decade at an average cost to them of, say, £50. That means the insurance industry owes decent honest drivers (at the very least) a massive 1.5 billion refund.

And, presumably a grovelling apology!


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