Do, do ya – do ya, do ya wanna? That was the question posed by raffish paramilitary alt-rockers Lez Ferdinand back in the day, while multiple-personality girl group the Spite Girls used to advise anyone who’d listen that: I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I really really really wanna zig-a-zig ah!

Now, this whole ‘wanna’ business, is all well and good for pop persons (and possibly for unmannerly five-year-olds demanding, for example, ice creams), but for fast-growing end-to-end specialist insurance broking software platform people like Manchester-based Wanna Insure (newly rebranded as Ignite Insurance Systems), ‘wanna’ is quite clearly not what is wanted.

Explaining the next generation software firm’s newly announced name change, Ignite MD Toby MacLachlachlan, noted that 2015 had been a momentous year for the end-to-end broking software platform, one in which the firm’s client base doubled from (approximately) 15 to 30 brokers.

This growth has brought added credibility, along with that elusive quantity critical mash. Poised for further strong growth in 2016, everything was looking good for Wanna as 2015 ground to a close. Everything except, of course, that ridiculous B2C name.

Taking its inspiration from the 2009 season of hit BBC Amstrad rehabilitation vehicle The Apprentice, the firm chose Ignite as a name with pleasing associations with setting fire to or burning things, starting explosions etc.

Initial plans to go with Ignite Specialist Insurance Systems as the name-in-full were shelved after someone decided it might be better to be confused with the International Space Station (or this lot) than with anyone more radically intolerant.

Rid of the nomenclatural millstone of Wanna, the young technology firm looks set for great things in the coming year. Insurance technology is, of course, a fast moving beast (something like a cheetah or a greyhound or something – except one that keeps adapting its entire metabolism every five or ten minutes or something).

So brokers who don’t want to carry on paying loads of money for something that seemed like a good idea a couple of years ago but is already out of date, and hence struggling to do all the clever new things there are to be done these days, are increasingly likely to be looking for someone like Ignite (hopefully they’re not still looking for Wanna Insure (an anagram, incidentally, of both Iran: New Anus and Arise, Wan Nun!)

As Ignite technology geezer Rick Blige explains, Ignite can help local brokers “tackle national markets and make a big impact” by equipping them with a “full self-service web-portal” that can integrate with any aggregator, support multiple brands, and allow customers to manage their policies online.

With us, “all brokers run the same code,” Mr Blige continues, at suspiciously greater length than coverage in the usual-quickly-bored/too-confused-to-continue Bankstone News normally permits, “so enhancements to one client can benefit every user.”

One day all broker software will be done this way!

And then, the next day, it won’t, and everything will have changed again.

But by then, Ignite (or whatever they’re calling themselves at that point) will probably have adapted their entire metabolism or something, so their broker clients will still be smiling.

A fast-moving end-to-end specialist insurance broking software platform for a fast moving world!




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