The route for this year’s Tour de Yorkshire (scheduled for 27-29 April 2017) has been announced.
Once again, the charmingly unpretentious hamlet of Addingham sits at the very heart of the selected route, which this year starts in Sea-Swept Scarborough and ends in Scummy Stocksbridge. For it is there (Stocksbridge, not Addingham) that a three-day slog through some of the most scenic scenery in any county or counties anywhere beginning in Y will finally come to an end.
Sometime during the morning of 29 April, a positively vast cavalcade of motorcycles, cars with bikes on top, and, yes, hopefully a couple of cyclists will hurry apprehensively through downtown Addingham en route to the Day-Three grand finale in the general vicinity of the infamous Côte de Deepcar, just North West of Sheffield.
Chiefly famed for being home to Bankstone top dog Deacon Tyson (and birthplace to approximately 1/5th of top goth drag act Sisters of Mercy) Addingham, and the adjoining hamlet of Takingham-Weigheggan, have long been famed for the high quality of bunting produced by local craftsladies, some fine examples of which will hopefully be on display when the tour passes through.
If you’d like to witness the thrill of the so-called Addingham Passage first hand, why not pop in for a sauna and sandwiches round at Deacon’s place while you’re at it! Applications in writing only. Must be accompanied by full-length photograph (i.e. the full length of your body). No weirdos.
For further details of the tour route click here.
For a video indicating the sort of spectacle you might expect to enjoy click on the image below.
That is all.
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