Could anyone BE more excited about next weekend’s two-day charity fundraising event to end all two-day charity fundraising events, Medieval Monkeys 2013? Almost certainly not!

As Commander Dickie Tysonby works by candlelight (through the night every night) in the gloomy dank recesses of the secret command bunker deep beneath Bankstone HQ, finalising the medieval-themed stop-off destinations, the route (the latest draft appears below), the lunch menus etc, monkeycycle enthusiasts up and down the UK are, to a man woman or child, utterly engripped by red hot raging monkey fever!

Participants are excited, most of all, about our overnight stop in Wetherby on Saturday 29th, where the 70s period splendor of the Wetherby Grand Mercure Excelsior Motel awaits, along with a host of respectable ale houses and (allegedly) two very well-hidden curry houses, at least one of which will be seeing some unexpected action and/or people dressed as knights and knightesses come next Saturday night.

There are some very exciting new stops along the way this year, including a field near Towton (the scene of a famous Yorkist victory over the Lancastrians), a couple of all-new ruins, and the charming Mount Grace Priory, where the staff have kindly offered us an exclusive opportunity to race monkeybikes up and down the historic oak-panelled staircases and drag our doughnuts round their gravely forecourts (subject to confirmation).

We are also planning to have another go at trying for find our way up the backstreets to Pickering Castle – something that has always previously defeated previous MM expeditions. Pickering, of course, fact fans, is the town which famously gave popular 90s musical ensemble M People (the professionally jaunty pop-house merchants who first inflicted the tonsilly bellowings of Heather Smalls on an unsuspecting world) the second initial of their name.

We could go on and on about all the exciting adventures we have planned, but we are literally too excited. If you haven’t already – and let’s face it, most of you haven’t – you should get on our Justgiving page right now and make a massive donation to this year (and every year)’s charity, Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

And don’t forget – for anyone staying in Brighouse on the Friday night, we are organising a once in a lifetime chance to bowl with world champion Crown Green Bowls expert, Mike Hall (prior to a warm up curry at renowned local hostelry The Taste of Gandhi). If you’d like to get involved, please contact Cmdr Tystone via the usual channels.



N.B. Wetherby and Spofforth will be moved back south of York following the event!


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