If ever there was a day for red noses, then surely last Friday was it. Bankstone News’ nose was certainly red, as usual, on account, no doubt, of our habitual pre-lunch portballing (3 parts budget port to 1 part budget advocaat, if you fancy trying it). But for once, it wasn’t just us. Oh no, insurance folks (and civilians) across the county had (or were pretending for charity to have) red noses on a scale less open-hearted and generous nations could never – in their wildest foreign dreams – even aspire to be.

Leading professional outsourced claims handling providers Bankstone were, so to speak, doing their bit, raising [unspecified amount] by [deliberately making themselves appear entertainly ridiculous for some or all of the day] and having a ‘whale’ of a time while they were about it, we don’t mind telling you, although not in such a way as in any sense to dilute, degrade or otherwise impair the usual outstanding standard of customer service they maintain to at all times!

But what about other insurance-related organisations? Well there was certainly quite a lot going on up and down insurance land. Long suffering staff at Adrian Flux for example finally got a chance to take revenge on their bosses by gungeing them, raising a deeply impressive £10,000 in the process. Click here for full gory details.

Meanwhile Cornish Mutual somehow hacked the event so that all calls in the South West attempting to donate money to Comic Relief were mysteriously rerouted to the firm’s Truro call centre, with live coverage from something called Pirate FM and some other outfit called the BBC. Perhaps to atone for this highly irregular intervention, Cornish Mutual staff threw themselves into an ‘exhausting 5-hour Zumba fitness class on Truro’s Lemon Quay and a twelve hour ‘bowlathon’ at Truro Bowl’ and loads more besides.

And there was all kinds of other stuff going on, probably. Maybe you have some red nose stories of your own you’d like to share with the UK’s leading ‘weekly’ semi-factual insurance-related e-Zine (i.e. Bankstone News, if you’re a bit slow on the uptake). If so please zip them off the [email protected] and we’ll know what to do with them.

And if you’re so mean that you haven’t already donated, do so at once by clicking here.



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